It's time to celebrate

Let's toast to you!

Since i was 15 years old I knew I wanted to do something with design, but i didn't know what that something was. i felt like my options were limited. 

I made my first logo at 16 years old.. On word of all things for my mom, it was in that moment, I knew branding, marketing, and design is what I needed to do. A fire of passion sparked and never dulled.

Helping people get the visions from their head into the world for others to see and admire. 

I have spent almost a decade perfecting my craft. Making sure I learned and checked off everything I knew my clients (you) would need. 

So yeah, cheers to you for making this possible! 

meet kadia

Creative Koncept Designs

Dominate your Digital  Domain

Designs made for the steadfast & bold

It is my job and great Privilege to serve you with a design that not only stands out, but gives your clients an experience. 

view past work

not that you asked but..

It's Important






Happy design


iced hazlenut shaken espressos consumed

hi, I'm Kadia (Kay-dee-ah)

you probably know that by now, but just in case you missed it! Let's get to the nitty gritty fun stuff.

I don't have any fancy titles or degrees. I am a self taught designer who has spent a lot of time and finances getting to where I am. You probably can't believe I am telling you that, huh? Core value here is integrity and transparency. 

Although I have never gone to endless hours of school for what I do, I can assure I have spent time and resources learning to be just as good as the ones who have. I am forever growing my skill and craft. 

I knew at a very young age i was meant to do something creative. it is in my bones. it is who i am to my core.

You know those kids you went to school with who always got in trouble for doodling? I was that kid. Guilty as charged. My design business started long before it was Creative Koncept Designs. Long before I even knew this is what it would turn into.  

Nothing brings me more joy that seeing my clients face after the time spent creating their (your) perfect brand & website.

let's bolden your brand

Don't let your brand blend in or website be too flat..


titles i do have

Wife and Mom

EST 2021

EST 2023



Made my First logo

My Journey

My first logo was made on Microsoft Word & I charged $0. It was for my mom's canned goods.



Graduated H.S and had no idea what I was going to do with my life.



Packed my car up & moved to Texas. Hit a million dollar sales organization in 2 years helping over 1,000 people online. Became a Canva Expert.


first big brand job

Branding/Logo for a local bar. Even created an art piece that still hangs there today! I would come in a couple times a month to do artwork and chalkboard menu.


got married & first home

Solomon and I went to Mexico, bought our first home, and had a beautiful wedding. I won't get all sappy on you.


baby boy on the way


Charity event design

Worked with a local charity (GunShow Charity) on their annual event t-shirts and design for 2023 events. Worked with them again in 2024. 


Shortly after, realized I was actually pretty good at this web design stuff & my imposter syndrome faded.

The biggest blessing that we had endlessly prayed for. We found out we were having a BABY BOY. He was born 2/3/23. I get to watch him grow up at home while growing my design business.

and this is just the start  of so many creative projects...

It's about time your brand got some room service 

(and of course bottomless mimosas are totally included)

It's time for us to cheers and craft a compelling identity and online presence that captivates your audience.

apply now

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